The recent combination of very warm weather and regular rain has given the garden a new lease on life. Some plants that had fruited earlier in the season have a second crop and plants like bananas have decided that we are going to enjoy a glut of bananas in the coming weeks.
The front yard is beginning to the shape of a food forest whist the back yard is more of a jungle/building site as work there is on hold due to a marsupial house-guest we have staying with us temporarily.

As far as the grapes, Blue berries, Logan berries, Rasp berries and the like, it’s a race between us and the birds. In particular, three female Satin Bower Birds who are lightning fast and well camouflaged when hiding in the leafy growth of any of these plants.
By far the strangest thing we’ve got growing this season is some heirloom squash. Check out the photo below using Bruce as a reference for scale – and no, that hasn’t been photo shopped.