
  • Weekly update, 24/3
    This week I put in a lot of work extending the food plants in the mini food forest. We had our eye on a spot occupied by a native that hadn’t flowered in 5 years, which was supposed to be it’s job to provide food for birds etc. So, reluctantly I pulled it out and …
  • Weekly update, 17/3
    Busy week, but unfortunately not in the garden. I did get around to planting some Pandan and a Tamarillo which was a gift from a customer. I also transplanted some ginger root into a more suitable location, cut of the flowers from two bunches of bananas, pulled up some native raspberry suckers and began using …
  • Progress
    So, regular updates have not happened. They haven’t even been irregular, or regularly irregular – little paramedic joke there…. Despite the lack of regular evidence, we have been busy and here’s proof!The photo on the left was taken during the 19/20 bush fires, in November if I recall. The one on the right was taken …
  • New growth
    The recent combination of very warm weather and regular rain has given the garden a new lease on life. Some plants that had fruited earlier in the season have a second crop and plants like bananas have decided that we are going to enjoy a glut of bananas in the coming weeks. The front yard …
  • Air quality
    There’s been a lot of noise coming out of Brisbane and Sydney regarding how their air quality is suffering due to the increased fire activity throughout both states. Have they spared a thought for the people living in the areas where the fires are? Although Port Macquarie is several kilometres away from the nearest blaze, …
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